Skin Care Products by Christie Kidd
When seeking out the highest quality skin care products available, it's always wise to look toward skin care products developed and created by skin care experts. Christie Kidd, a Certified Physician Assistant practicing Dermatology, has put her 25 years of practice and research into creating a skin care collection where all products work synergistically to provide optimal results.

Glow Time Promo
When fighting blemishes, oil and enlarged pores, you never want to run out of Clean Natural Facial Cleanser and Fresh Pads. Keep your supply stocked with this subscription.
This set includes 1 Clean Natural Facial Cleanser and 2 jars of Fresh Pads.
This set includes 1 Clean Natural Facial Cleanser and 2 jars of Fresh Pads.
Value: $116
Subscription special: $104.40